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Are Gun Shows Worth It

Gun and ammo prices at gun shows

It's your first gun show, maybe you've gone to a few and have questions. Gun fairs are wonderful locations where first-time gun purchasers may experience all the industry has to offer. All stock is probably priced to sell. Indeed, competitors are adjacent. Gun shows: cheaper guns, ammo? Gun shows are nearly always cheaper than large retail stores for firearms and ammo. Online discounts vary, with specialist companies giving reasonable costs compared to gun shows.

Online or at a large shop, you may discover similar costs. Many gun buyers neglect gun fairs' unique chance. Let's compare prices from various sellers to see whether gun shows give the greatest offers.

Gun-show prices

If you've never gone to a gun expo, you may doubt the bargains. We'll need an apples-to-apples comparison to highlight the cost advantages. Below, I've priced popular firearms and ammo from my current gun show visit. We'll use them to evaluate gun show transactions. To make things simple, all below-mentioned guns are 9mm. I'll include special bargains like night sights, additional magazines, etc. in the description in case we can't locate the identical model elsewhere. Are Gun Shows Worth It?

Gunshow prices

While one gun show vendor was unpleasant about my taking photographs, others didn't notice or care. I purposely don't mention the merchants. All identifying information has been suppressed to keep things private, but I wanted to show you that these pricing were available at the most recent gun show I visited. I visited multiple gun show merchants to discover these bargains.

Gunshow ammo prices

Because I couldn't locate the gun show's ammunition online, I broke down the pricing by 50-round increments. While not a straight comparison, it explains why gun show ammunition is cheaper than online.

Gun shows are cheaper the more you purchase.

Remington Luger 9mm

500 115g grains



Winchester 9mm 500 Service Grade 115g Grains


$8.99/50 rounds

9mm Luger Georgia Arms

115g/100 100



Remington-range ammo Luger

1000 115g grains

Cash/check: $175/$189 (Credit)

$8.75 (cash)/$9.45 (Credit)

Online gun store prices

If you don't have the patience or there's no gun show near you, an internet specialist shop is your best choice. I won't reveal this information's source to prevent conflicts. You'll have to take my word that these rates are true, but with little Googling you can probably locate a similar offer.

Below are stock photographs of comparable models, not the genuine handgun.

Smith&Wesson (S&W)

$344.00 M&P Shield M2.0

Savings: -$5.00


17th (Gen. V)


Savings: $0




Savings: $119.99

Gun show bargains might be great, but it doesn't mean internet deals aren't better. Although the rates are identical, you must additionally include gun show entry. These rifles may be best bought online. Not always. Gun shows offer more than price discounts. I'll address methods to minimize your cost or obtain more products at gun shows later.

Firearms store ammo prices

As I've said, I couldn't locate a straight match online, so I bought equivalent ammunition. More dealers at gun shows means a wider assortment of ammunition. Let's examine internet ammunition bargains for clarity.

Remington Luger 9mm

50 115g grains


$7.99/50 rounds

Savings: -$0.90

Winchester 9mm

50 115g grains

$10.10/50 rounds

Savings: $1.11

Remington-range ammo Luger

50 115g grains



Cash savings: $1.09

Retail Prices

I won't say where I received this gun cost information since I don't want a nasty mail (or their lawyers). The pistol pricing compared to gun show prices are from a large shop. Online shop pricing were used.

I placed this in a distinct category from online specialist sites since their stock goes beyond weapons and accessories. Gun shows and specialist web stores provide greater deals than large retailers.

Smith&Wesson (S&W)

M&P Shield M2.0 $469.99 Gun Show Deal $120.99


17th (Gen. V)


Savings: $110.99




Savings: $70.00

When comparing comparable models, gun shows provide a better value. Save $70 to $129.99 amongst the three variants. Even with the $20 gun show ticket, you're still getting a wonderful bargain and saving a lot of money.

Retail Ammo Prices

Let's look at a prominent retailer's online ammunition discounts. Purchasing ammunition in bulk at a gun show or online specialized shop is similar to buying guns. We'll compare ammunition offers to gun show costs for cost savings.

Remington Luger 9mm

600 115g grains


50-round cost: $12.08

$3.19 savings

Winchester 9mm

500 115g grains


$11.99/50 rounds

Savings: $3.00

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